Lynch, Jack

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Biography / Biographie:

Born in 1929, John Charles Lynch, better known as “Jack”, was a sports enthusiast for his whole life: canoeing, kayaking, golf, football, hockey and, of course, curling. He was very involved with the junior program and for several years he was involved in the organization of the Jeux du Quebec as well as many local tournaments.

He also was employed by the Canadian Olympic Committee as its Technical Director until his retirement following the 1988 Olympics in Calgary.

Lynch was dedicated to the goal of curling becoming a medal sport at the Winter Olympic Games. After his retirement he was recruited by the International Curling Federation to help primarily with attaining the 25-member nation requirement for Olympic medal status. From 1988 until 1991 Lynch worked hand-in-hand with Günther Hummelt of the ICF until they managed to get the necessary 25 countries. Lynch would use his IOC contacts in the nations involved to get the ball rolling and then Hummelt would move it to the next step through his business connections.

After years of politicking and lobbying, Lynch’s hard work, and the hard work of those with whom he shared the dream, culminated with the 1992 announcement in Barcelona that curling would be an Olympic medal sport.

Lynch was also inducted into the World Curling Hall of Fame in 2023.