Intro to the program
CurlON launched “Hit Draw Tap” in the 2015-2016 season. It was an instant success – over 450 kids participated in the first year! Hit Draw Tap is modeled after the NFL’s Punt Kick Pass or Master’s Golf – Drive, Chip, Putt. Since then the event has spread across Canada with competitions being held in Yukon, British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, Northern Ontario, Québec, Prince Edward Island, Newfoundland and Labrador, New Brunswick, and Nova Scotia
In 2018-2019, Curling Canada launched Hit Draw Tap as a national program.

How to get involved
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contact your Member Association
by clicking on the button below.

Intro to standings
To view the
latest standings across the country,
click on the link below.

Find a curling centre near you
Here’s a map and list of
all curling facilities
across the country.
Manager, Youth Development & Programming
Curling Canada
(306) 560-0201