New members join Board!

Three members join Curling Canada Board of Governors
There will be three new faces on the Curling Canada Board of Governors, as well as a new affiliate federation, it was confirmed Saturday during the organization’s Annual General Meeting.
The governing body for the sport of curling in Canada conducted its virtual AGM on Saturday, bringing together Canada’s 14 Member Associations along with invited guests to talk about the past season, as well as elect new members to the Board of Governors.
There were three available spots on the Board after Cathy Dalziel of Eastern Passage, N.S., completed her term and two other members stepped down last season.
Elected to the Board for four-year terms were Brian Cowan of Delta, B.C., and Calvin Seaman of Calgary, while Roselle Gonsalves of Edmonton was elected to a two-year term.
They join fellow governors Paul Addison of Victoria, Donna Krotz of London, Ont., Chana Martineau of Edmonton, Amy Nixon of Calgary, Kathy O’Rourke of Cumberland, P.E.I., Darren Oryniak of Winnipeg, and Mike Szajewski of Kenora, Ont.
Nixon was elected as Chair of the Board of Governors, resuming a role she took over during the 2020-21 season.
“The past year has been equally challenging and rewarding for the Canadian curling community, and it showed what we can accomplish by working together,” said Nixon. “I look forward to working with our new Board members as well as our Member Associations and other stakeholders as we continue to change the face of curling in Canada and make it truly representative of our country from coast to coast.”
“We have so many opportunities in front of us as a sport; we are in the rare and enviable position of being a sport that can accommodate all ages, all abilities and all backgrounds,” added Katherine Henderson, Chief Executive Officer of Curling Canada. “We have much to be proud of after getting through the pandemic season, but there is still work to be done. We will continue to strive to be an organization that reflects the values that make our country great.”
Curling Canada also unanimously approved welcoming the Canadian Stick Curling Association as an affiliate member. The CSCA has held national championships since 2004; more information on the organization is available on the CSCA website.