Pebbles to Boulders: Agendas, More Examples
Let us take a few moments to review why agendas are a good idea for Little Rock coordinators. In a word, it is ORGANIZATION!
Agendas are a communication and scheduling aid. An agenda informs those who are helping with the program, what is going to take place today. It provides a time frame for how the day is to operate. An agenda provides guidance to all helpers as to what is expected of them. Believe it or not, agendas can help with recruitment of volunteers, by showing volunteers what is going to happen today and what role you are asking them to play. Use of agendas, assisting with organization, is a fine way to promote your program for parents can speak highly of a well-organized program to others! Have you ever heard of some one providing praise of a disorganized program….NO…. they tend to leave the program and if they speak of it at all, the comments tend to be negative. Remember, it is human nature and very easy to speak negatively about something than it is to speak in positive terms.
Noted below are four agendas. Two are for the same week of the season. Each pair is very similar, but tooled a little differently for the age group involved. This provides a good example of how easy it is to prepare and follow an agenda, and to make relevant for everyone, but different for varying age groups and skill levels.
Week #4 – 6 to 8 Year Olds
Warm-up – Indoors and Outdoors Time: 10 minutes
Stations: Time: 10 minutes per station
1. Flat Broom Slide ( Home end of sheet 1)
The child will attempt to complete the delivery slide while holding their broom flat on the ice in front them.
2. Turns (Away end of sheet 1)
Form two lines of children about ½ sheet apart
One child will stand and play the part of the skip
The other child will squat and play the part of the shooters
Give a rock to each child in the shooter line
The skip will give a broom target and a turn signal
The shooter will push the rock to their partner using the correct turn and aiming at the broom
Now the skip will be the shooter and the shooter will be the skip
3. Deliver between the pylons (sheet 2)
Place two pylons 11/2 rock with apart. Place them along the hog line. (remember that the line of delivery will not go outside of the 4 foot lines)
The child will try to deliver a rock so that it travels between the pylons and goes the full length of the ice
4. Push and Brush (Up sheet 3 and Back on sheet 4)
This drill works with groups of two or three children
One child will place their brush head on the handle of the rock and will push the rock down the ice. The other partner(s) will brush the rock. When they get to the far end of the ice they will trade positions and come back down the other sheet of ice.
5. Throw a guard (Sheet 5)
The child will attempt to complete a draw shot using ½ sheet ice set up.
Week #4 – 9 to 11 Year Olds
Warm-up – Indoors and Outdoors Time: 10 minutes
Stations: Time: 10 minutes per station
1. Flat Broom Slide (Home end of sheet 1)
The child will attempt to complete the delivery slide while holding their broom flat on the ice in front them.
2. Turns (Away end of sheet 1)
Form two lines of children about ½ sheet apart
One child will stand and play the part of the skip
The other child will squat and play the part of the shooter
ive a rock to each child in the shooter line
The skip will give a broom target and a turn signal
The shooter will push the rock to their partner using the correct turn and aiming at the broom
Now the skip will be the shooter and the shooter will be the skip
3. Deliver between the pylons (sheet 2)
Place two pylons 1 ½ rock with apart. Place them along the hog line. (remember that the line of delivery will not go outside of the 4 foot lines)
The child will try to deliver a rock so that it travels between the pylons and goes the full length of the ice
4. Push and Brush (Up sheet 3 and Back on sheet 4)
This drill works with groups of two or three children
One child will place their brush head on the handle of the rock and will push the rock down the ice. The other partner(s) will brush the rock. When they get to the far end of the ice they will trade positions and come back down the other sheet of ice.
5. Throw a guard (Sheet 5)
The child will attempt to complete a draw shot using the full sheet ice
On a tally sheet, keep track of whether the child was able to complete the task
On subsequent days, the child will try to better their last score
Week #5 – 6 to 8 Year Olds
Warm-up – Indoors and Outdoors Time: 10 minutes
On-ice Discussion:
Player Titles
Order of the rotation
Duties ie: Vice hangs the score
Game procedures
Shake hands (at beginning and end of each game)
Coin toss to start the game
Play a few ends of curling
Team 1 vs 2
Team 3 vs 4
Team 5 vs 6
Week #5 – 9 to 11 Year Olds
Warm-up – Indoors and Outdoors Time: 10 minutes
On-ice Discussion:
Player Titles
Order of the rotation
Duties ie: Vice hangs the score
Game procedures
Shake hands (at beginning and end of each game)
Coin toss to start the game
Play a few ends of curling
Team 1 vs 2
Team 3 vs 4
Team 5 vs 6