2011-2012 Curling Assistance Program
Twenty-five successful applicants have received confirmation of grant money totaling $299,685.21 from the 2011-12 Curling Assistance Program.
The Canadian Curling Association (CCA) has allocated funds from certain championship events for the purpose of providing financial assistance to the membership of the CCA including Provincial / Territorial Member Associations and affiliated curling facilities. The Curling Assistance Program targeted projects designed to grow the sport at the community level and / or to assist capital projects critical to the operation and health of the CCA’s membership.
The list of successful applicants can be found here: https://www.curling.ca/programs-and-services/curling-assistance-program/2011-2012-results.
A total of eleven Member Association jurisdictions had one or more successful applicants approved, flowing funding across Canada. Each successful applicant will also receive a commemorative plaque to hang in a prominent area of their curling facility.
The CCA received a total of 95 applications requesting $1,371,299.53 in grants.
Details on the 2012-13 funding cycle, including the Curling Assistance Program guidelines and application form, will be made available by the Fall of 2012 upon final approval of the CCA Board of Governors.
The CCA would also like to thank the thousands of volunteers who have unselfishly donated their time and energy contributing to the success of our national championships, which ultimately funded this program.
For further information:
Danny Lamoureux
Director, Curling Club Development & Championship Services
toll free: 1.800.550.2875 (ext 116)
mobile: 613.878.3682
[email protected]